At the beginning of the year we studied the quality and the quantity of the idea of progress, here is both documents which I chose to raise this subject:
Productivist farming
Organic farming
We can see that both documents involve a caricature. The first document concerns the Productivist farming and it is illustrated by a man who wears a mask or a uniform to put chemicals on plantations while a small animal asks him ironically if he keeps his mask to eat these products. We can at once associated this cartoon with progress and the idea of quantity, because productivst farming is made to have more quantity of vegetables and products, even if there are limits and consequences.
The second document is ironic too, because we see two children who try to sell some lemon juice, and to sell it more quickly they put a leaf where they claim that the product is an organic lemonade. So we can understand that the organic products are faster sold because they are better for the health and for our planet (Even if they put more time to be produced).
We have then two paradoxical caricatures, one which makes walk the economy and the quantity, whereas the other one touches the environment, the health and the quality.
We can then associate them with the idea of progress and the fact of puting first the economic property and the quantity of products before the health and the quality.